Week 11 Job Market Prep
Job Market Prep
Everything in the world consists of change including the world itself. In order to be prepared for the next change we as humans have to continue to be open to the change and want to be part of the change, this can only be achieved by educating ourselves and adjusting our lives to what is to come next. IT sounds easy yet change is one of the hardest concepts for people to adjust to and accept.
The job market is a very confusing place right now. Confusing to the extent depending on what type of job you are looking for there could be a very high possibility you can find it. This idea is depending on your skills and education it is possible to land a great job. It seems easy to obtain employment right now, after COVID lots of people quit their jobs or realized it was possible to work from home. Lots of people became creative and found ways of making money while being home. For a mom who has young kids, the pandemic became a chaotic time. Kids homeschooled or online school, preparing meals, keeping up with home. Working became the least of many people's worries. People left their jobs therefore the job market is at a good place right now for those who want to work.
On the opposite end, companies have taken the pandemic and so many technology developments to replace the jobs that have become obsolete. It is important now to familiarize ourselves with the most up-to-date technology. My accounting degree includes a Database Structure and Queries class, this class has really made me uncomfortable yet I appreciate the value this class holds especially in today's world. Learning new skills will make people uncomfortable and also can be frustrating. The importance of learning new skills is as important as the question of where you want to be in life.
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