Week#3 Stats

 Social Media Users    

It is not a surprise to see the rising numbers on users across the world who are now members of some type of social media. Not having a social media account is considered "weird" or "strange". Most people log in to social media to document their feelings, show-off their new car or teach you how to cook quickly and deliciously. Anyone anywhere can join can a site and they are allowed to have an opinion about EVERYTHING. Nobody can escape the judgment social media users have towards everything we post. Most if not all my age friends can be found on either Facebook or Instagram. Some might have a LinkedIn and other might have a Tik-tok, but pretty much everyone can be found online. Many documentaries have been created in the last few years warning us about the effects of using social media on the youth, but I truly believe some adults should stay away from social media if they are emotionally immature or lack thick skin. People can really be mean.

But who are these people on social media and where do they come from? 

According to the graph above posted by eMarketers, by 2024 in Western Europe there will be about 150 million Instagram users. 

"Currently, there are 3.78 billion social media users" according to https://www.oberlo.com/blog/social-media-marketing-statistics

Oberlo.com breaks the social media users by generation. Proving even the oldest generation has almost 50% of its age group as a social media user. 

It is no longer possible to imagine a world where social media does not exist. We can only hope the almost 4 billion users try to be kind, respectful and courteous to each other instead of bringing each other down. 


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